Sunday, January 27, 2008

Seasonal blogger?

I really wanted to post these pictures from October! We visited Frank's family in Massachusetts for Frances's baptismal. I don't know why, but I love that she was baptised barefoot!

We had time to drive up to Main to visit family and check out Acadia National Park. It was incredibly beautiful.

And Frances got to see the Ocean for the first time...that we know of. She was not content just dipping her toes in the Atlantic.

She would have gone swimming if we would have let her go!

Frances very happy walking with her Nana and Papa.

We are well and happy and I think I might have more time to blog and...fold laundry soon. I never gave my friends with children enough credit- there are just not enough hours in the day! Which is one reason I gave my notice...and will soon have a lot more time with Frances. I worked so hard to bring her home and the two hours I share with her after work before she goes to bed is just not working out for our family. I am not sure how long this will last, but whatever else I do, it will have to be more family friendly. Motherhood is wonderful and she is amazing. Her language is really starting to take off. I think that if I blink I might miss something.

1 comment:

stollmyheart said...

So great that you are getting to stay home with Frances! I hope to have that option one day too!

She Stands!

She Stands!
Same dress, New picture May 1st 2007