Sunday, January 27, 2008

My wild and CRAZY baby...

Frances LOVES this Christmas gift. (It was a great gift, Thank you!) She goes crazy jumping up and down while laughing hysterically. Check out the wild eyes.

She is not napping here, she did not gently slide off her stead, but was perhaps 'thrown'. I did feel horrible, because I took time to snap this photo after she fell. She had great big tears and hiccups after this. Of course now I have proof that she is a fake- look at that face, she was not hurt. After her tears dried she got right back on.

1 comment:

mam said...

Aside from the joy and wild abandon in her face, I aslo LOVE the fact that she's clearly just been "lubed," as we would say, or "buttered" as you call it. Adorable!

She Stands!

She Stands!
Same dress, New picture May 1st 2007