Saturday, August 4, 2007

Frances, Mom, & Kenya too

Getting ready for another bath in her tiny 1960's sink
August 4th 2007


Julie said...

Great pictures!!! How are Frances and Kenya getting along? It seems to me that a bright pretty bird would be fascinating to a baby!!

My Franks said...

She is good with animals, a lot of looking with little or no grabing. She mostly watches Kenya and both are fascinated with each other.
Kenya has realized that she is a good food source, and loves a little taste of Frances' baby food.

Joe said...

Great pictures!!!

What type of snuggli is that ??

My Franks said...

It is a hip hammock by Playtex.
Not excetionally comfortable. I wear when I "try" to get chores done and she insists on being held.

She Stands!

She Stands!
Same dress, New picture May 1st 2007