Towards the end of the Hike she insisted she walk. She was still only walking if we had both her hands, it was slow going.
She was not hunting, only hiking.
Lucy, see this really great pumpkin hat? It is headed your way soon, don't worry!
Then: Bringing Home Baby Frances This is our story of adopting a baby girl from Vietnam. We hope to share with friends, family and other adopting parents our journey bringng home our soon-to-be daughter. Now: Bringing up Baby Frances!
Towards the end of the Hike she insisted she walk. She was still only walking if we had both her hands, it was slow going.
She was not hunting, only hiking.
Lucy, see this really great pumpkin hat? It is headed your way soon, don't worry!
Don't look at my apple Delaney
1 apple, 6 teeth, no problem.The very scary McPherson's: Jessy, Aidan, Devon, and Austin.
Notice the wild look in my eye? This is my naughty face where I am about to do somthing CRAZY, and I am really excited about it.