Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our Halloween Moon

The weather was crazy this Halloween. It was sunny and 72 in the day and still balmy at 66-68 degrees in the evening with a warm gusty wind. And even though it was not a cold and dark night; leaves swirling around and the clouds flying past the moon made a lovely and spooky evening.
Frances had so much fun trick-or-treating with her cousins. She was excited all week talking about it. To say she had a an understatement. Very sleepy on the way home she talked about how she was going to: "I- k-n-0-w......., let's go trick-or-treating tomorrow and get more candy...and say trick-or-treat!...and say thank you!...okay mom?"

We miss our friends!

Wanted to show you, my Oregon friends and family where we are hanging our hats: Our dinning room is split between a coffee corner and a play area. Works for us.
We dig the hardwood floors.

We really like the house that we have rented. We have the bottom of three floors. I love the old character (That we don't have to maintain!) and the bay windows. The town we are in works for us. It is walkable and is a quick drive for Frank to get to work.

Above: What it looks like when Frances is MAD. (She did not want me to take her picture. I was told I was not her best friend. Feel kind of guilty! It would be annoying having someone with a camera in your face when you have said NO!(I'm sorry Frances))

It has been really hard adjusting to life on the east coast. Wish that I could bring a few of you with me!!! I miss play dates with good friends. I miss pinochle dates with my girls. And I miss dinner, drinks and game night...been missing that one for a long time actually! I miss Omsi, the Children's Museum, shopping around and eating bagels in Portland with our groucho peeps. (Frances tells me she can't wait for Lucy bath time!) And I am really going to miss Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family.

Stop growing!

Above:Walking to dance class in her funky tights and cool trench!

Inside joke: I tell Frances to stop growing, just for today- tomorrow she can grow a little. She smiles and agrees. Promises to be my baby. An hour or two go by and she laughs and tells me that she is growing! And she is. Somehow she went from 2t this summer to a 4t this fall??!! At three there is very little toddler left. She is such a big girl and very proud of herself. I love her confidence, strength, and even her temper! When Frank and I took her to her first 'on her own' gymnastics class we were worried and wondered if she would cry, if we would need to go in with her. Nothing doing- she waved goodbye and was the first one in line to go to class. Awesome. And later at dance class the same thing! She thinks of gym, dance, and library group as school.
Below: Frank preparing for a nice New England winter by adding a swing to her doorway. Seriously gives me an extra 15-20min of free time each day.

She Stands!

She Stands!
Same dress, New picture May 1st 2007