Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Good Snow

First green tree for Frances. Last year we just had her pink tree up- now we have both.

If I can't have my mom's chocolate covered cherries...guess I will just have to make my own!

Don't most little girls wear their Little Red Riding Hood dress to trim the tree?

My snow angel...could barely get up after making a snow angel...too many layers!

Enjoyed the 6-8 inches that fell in our area last night and today. I felt like a tourist as I watched in fascination people removing snow from their drive ways and walk ways with snow shovels, snow blowers, and plow trucks. Everything was salted and sanded. Amazing.
Frances is way into making snow angels- she woke up early with a smile on her face anticipating playing in the snow.
Wish I had a picture of Frances opening up her present from her Grandma and Grandpa! She was so excited when she opened up her box to fine the number one item on her Christmas list- Hungry Hungry Hippo!
...number two and three on this list- a spork and a popsicle maker?!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Our first New England snow

hmmmm.... this tree is right side up when I choose it? But it is still pretty outlined in snow with a bright blue sky...sideways.

It has been a warm fall (until now) in Massachusetts. Just last week Frances pulled the front door shut as I yelled "NO"! We had stepped out onto the front porch to grab the our lounge pants and bare feet. Luckily it was all sunshine and 64 degrees warm while we waited for a random passerby-er to loan us their phone so we could call Frank at work to come home and open the door. Ah...good times.
So this week is snowy and cold. Glad I learned that lesson last week!
We are off to hunt down a Christmas tree, this wintry snow has us in the perfect mood.
Frank: Honey, you may not survive a New England winter.
Me: Ha whatever! This is nothing! Little snow, a little warmth. I thought winters here were brutal????

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our Halloween Moon

The weather was crazy this Halloween. It was sunny and 72 in the day and still balmy at 66-68 degrees in the evening with a warm gusty wind. And even though it was not a cold and dark night; leaves swirling around and the clouds flying past the moon made a lovely and spooky evening.
Frances had so much fun trick-or-treating with her cousins. She was excited all week talking about it. To say she had a an understatement. Very sleepy on the way home she talked about how she was going to: "I- k-n-0-w......., let's go trick-or-treating tomorrow and get more candy...and say trick-or-treat!...and say thank you!...okay mom?"

We miss our friends!

Wanted to show you, my Oregon friends and family where we are hanging our hats: Our dinning room is split between a coffee corner and a play area. Works for us.
We dig the hardwood floors.

We really like the house that we have rented. We have the bottom of three floors. I love the old character (That we don't have to maintain!) and the bay windows. The town we are in works for us. It is walkable and is a quick drive for Frank to get to work.

Above: What it looks like when Frances is MAD. (She did not want me to take her picture. I was told I was not her best friend. Feel kind of guilty! It would be annoying having someone with a camera in your face when you have said NO!(I'm sorry Frances))

It has been really hard adjusting to life on the east coast. Wish that I could bring a few of you with me!!! I miss play dates with good friends. I miss pinochle dates with my girls. And I miss dinner, drinks and game night...been missing that one for a long time actually! I miss Omsi, the Children's Museum, shopping around and eating bagels in Portland with our groucho peeps. (Frances tells me she can't wait for Lucy bath time!) And I am really going to miss Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family.

Stop growing!

Above:Walking to dance class in her funky tights and cool trench!

Inside joke: I tell Frances to stop growing, just for today- tomorrow she can grow a little. She smiles and agrees. Promises to be my baby. An hour or two go by and she laughs and tells me that she is growing! And she is. Somehow she went from 2t this summer to a 4t this fall??!! At three there is very little toddler left. She is such a big girl and very proud of herself. I love her confidence, strength, and even her temper! When Frank and I took her to her first 'on her own' gymnastics class we were worried and wondered if she would cry, if we would need to go in with her. Nothing doing- she waved goodbye and was the first one in line to go to class. Awesome. And later at dance class the same thing! She thinks of gym, dance, and library group as school.
Below: Frank preparing for a nice New England winter by adding a swing to her doorway. Seriously gives me an extra 15-20min of free time each day.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

And Now She's Three Years Old

Opening her loot!

A nana sandwhich!

Fun in the sauna...I mean bounce house!

Danielle, Birthday girl, Delaney, Tyler, and Baby Jack Boy (as named by Frances)

Today was the big day and "Baby" Frances is now Three Years Old. We had the party at Nana's house and in my brother's yard. It was a hot and steamy New England Summer's Day, even more so after the Thundershowers that passed through. Appropriately enough it had the feel of a day in Vietnam. The Blow-Up Elephant Bouncy House was a big hit with the kids, as was swimming in the pool during a downpour listening to thunder off in the distance. As it got closer we paraded into Nana's house, soaking wet in bathing suits, and were met with towels at the ready. Swimming in a downpour sure beats grilling in one. The burgers were all over done and two packs of hotdog rolls were soaked. But Crystal and I worked together and got it done. The best part was being with family and friends - and of course the home-made triple-decker strawberry cake with strawberry-creamcheese frosting which was one of Crystal's best ever! So Frances bounced and swam and ate and laughed (and yes cried when it was time to go), she blew out her candles and opened her presents and now she's Three Years Old!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Green TuTu For Frances

Frances' third birthday is this coming Saturday. On Tuesday morning she received her first gift -it was from her BFF in Oregon and was she ever excited to receive a package in the mail. Maybe we should have known better than to open it BEFORE we left for the grocery store - because Frances insisted on wearing her brand new green TuTu! She was so concerned about crushing it, she would not wear it in the car seat but traveled in her underwear. At the store the usually shy Frances (there is something about being in costume) pirouetted for everyone who complimented her. It was really a lot of fun.

And oh yes - she would have nothing to do with the headband...but it looks great on me!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The LeGallo's go the greater Boston area

And here we are looking for an apartment while at Frank's mom's house. All is well and I am thankful for the slooooow dial up connection. Warning: Do not consume potato chips with dial up Internet service.
I got very sad and teary an hour before landing in the Boston airport and also this past Friday. I miss Oregon. I miss my friends and family!
But no worries- I will be replacing you all with Steak and cheese subs. I will have one for each of you- in fact I am almost there. Seriously- how can Oregon have missed this meaty goodness?Then I will be rejoining the old WW. (Groucho- I will have a cannoli for your family.)
So if you want updates...Frances photos....Massachusetts photos....
then you must leave a comment! I need communication folks. I am allllllllllllllllll alone.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Go Night-Night Papa

Frances has discovered a new game - she wants papa to pretend to go to sleep (in her bed) so she can startle him awake with a loud noise. Her Noisemaker? A metal Curious George teapot filled with coins! She can be very specific in her instructions. She wants papa to lay down, on my back. with my toes pointing up! I hardly fit in her bed so she has agreed to let me sleep on my side - unable to find the words she lies down herself - "like this papa!". Then she makes sure I am comfortable with blanket and pillow and everything is quiet. I can hear her studiously filling the teapot with coins and then - CLANG CLANG CLANG!!. And then papa sits up startled awake - over and over and over again. That's my girl!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

long overdue update!

Frances is growing and learning. At 2.5 she is both fun and exhausting. She is really talking now, in full sentences, making jokes and I can't keep track of the new things she says. She will rub my face and look in my eyes and tell me, "I love you mama". She called frank a 'ketchup face' at dinner time. Someone suggested pizza for lunch and then Frank or I said, "me too", Frances then said "me too" and a second later yelled, "me three!" and cracked her self up!
She has been going to gym class with Frank every week and is doing really well. She still loves Curious George, but barbie movies are fast becoming a new favorite. She changes her dress multiple times throughout and sings and dances along with the characters. Her voice raises, arms go up, head back and eyelids closed as she belts out the lines. Hilarious.
We have been very busy with a two week visit from my Sister and her two kids. Frances loved having big kids to play with. Towards the end half of us were miserable with colds, so we did not have as much fun as we had hoped. Though we still made it to the beach!

Below: Me and my crazy sister Heather making a Frances sandwich.
Below: Frances, Destiny, and Patrick

Below: Destiny and Frances ready to shop!

She Stands!

She Stands!
Same dress, New picture May 1st 2007